SAVE has been working towards promotion of the basic rights to life, survival and development of children. The thrust has been to give every child a better future or a world fit for children for their fullest physical, psychological, spiritual, social, cognitive and cultural development. SAVE promoting adoption and child rights, has decided to take its child rights awareness work in Guntur District.

Children’s rights are violated regularly without any realization by the parents and elders. Abusing children verbally as well as physically by beating them is a violation of their rights but hardly anyone realizes it. In slums, the children are many times much more vulnerable not just due to their economic status but due to social structure of the community residing there.

SAVE Trust always does a rally on World Day Against Child Labour with the children of National Child Labour Project Schools around Guntur District. Project Director (NCLP) along with other Government Officials attends the meeting and participates in the rally.